A Fawn in the Minefield

A Fawn in the Minefield

Animated Short | 3min 30sec | 2023

Directer: Jee Suk Kim

Faculty Adviser: Candace Reckinger, Michael Patterson, Paul Foley, Jordan Halsey

Music Composer: Martinious Solum

Sound designer: Sean Condie

Real time asset artist: Habini Bae

Software Used
Maya, Substance Painter, Unreal, ZBrush, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator

Log Line

A fawn steps on a landmine. Mother deer is trying to save her son but a tiger is coming.


A fawn and a mother deer are living in an abandoned place. There was a brutal war 80 years ago.

One day, the fawn steps on a landmine. Since the mother deer lost her husband because of the landmine, they recognize the mine. Thus the mother is trying to save her son, but a tiger heard that sound too.

The full version will be provided upon request.

Student Produced at The University of Southern California
© 2023 University of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.


A Fawn in the Minefield (2023) Teaser Trailer

A Fawn in the Minefield (2023) Official Trailer



Character Development


Frenzy Fries